Minorsore throataftertonsillectomy symptoms of strep throat Britishhealth care systemshouldbe backin the50'sof the 20thcenturywhenit comes tothe incidence of thetonsils,andoperatethemregardless of price,announcedby doctorson the basis ofa study thatclaims thataftertonsillectomylaryngitis40percentthinner.
A studyof Finnishpatientswith frequentpharyngitisshowed that5 months aftertonsillectomythemonly 4 percentwent to the doctorwith aseveresore throat, and among thosewhowaiteduntilthe operationthere were43 per cent.
Britishdoctors saythat this isnewevidence thattonsillectomy, which inrecent decadeshas becomemuchless common, effectivetreatment methodsandthatit should beperformedmore frequently.
In the50'sin Britaineach yeartonsilsextractedapproximately 200,000children and young people,butin the system ofhealth insurancewas concludedthat the procedure istoo expensiveandtoo often.
Data for2009thand2010thshow that thenumber of operationsper year droppedbelow50,000,and the patientsare usually treatedwith antibiotics.
A new study byexpertsfrom the Universityof Ouluin Finlandfollowed the86older than14 years,with frequentpharyngitis.These46randomselectionissent to thetonsillectomy, and 40were puton a waiting list.
In the nextfive monthsonly twopatientsextractedtonsils(4 percent)againwent to the doctorfor severesore throat,and in the groupof patientswherethe tonsilsareremoved,thesewere 17(43 percent).
Scientists haveclaimedthat due tothedecreasewere fewerdoctor visitsandlessabsenteeismfrom schoolandwork, andpatients whoundergo the procedurehave saidtheirquality of lifeimproved.Britishhealth care systemshouldbe backin the50'sof the 20thcenturywhenit comes tothe incidence of thetonsils,andoperatethemregardless of price,announcedby doctorson the basis ofa study thatclaims thataftertonsillectomylaryngitis40percentthinner
-- Edited by admin on Friday 16th of August 2013 02:50:25 PM