The surgeon can correct the fine structure of the shell
Disorder that results in protruding ears, increasing the angle between the head and ears, as happens in the sixth month of embryonic life. Deformity is manifested in two forms.
Easily, when the angle between the head and the ear is greater than 25 degrees, the normal configuration of the ears. Heavier level is present when, besides the increased angle between the head and ears, and we deformity earlobe when they are not defined and established structures (ear helix, anthelix etc.).
Excess Skin
To obtain a good and long-term results of the utmost importance to izanaliziraju shortcomings on protruding ears before surgery. This allows the surgeon to adjust the surgical technique for each individual case and chooses appropriate to their abilities.
Misconception among many parents who bring their children to the surgery to get the problem solved just by removing the skin. It is not nearly true. It is true that removes excess skin, but the cartilage always modeled, rarely only a portion removed. In other words, corrects an error of nature and the fine structure of the ear must be "it".
A small incision
Surgical incision behind the ear, a scar that remains is minimal and difficult to see. The operation is performed in children above 10 years and adults under local anesthesia, and younger than 10 years of general anesthesia. Can also be used analgosedation (light anesthesia) when the patient is conscious, but very sleepy and there is no pain during the surgery. The operation takes 60 to 75 minutes. Hospitalization is not required.
Most unpleasant complications residual deformity. In other words, fully or partially restore the earlier preoperative state. The problem is that the cartilage has a genetic code with their deformities, and she tries to return to the deformity. Residual deformity is more dependent on the skill of the surgeon than on the technique used. In one to two percent of patients required less additional correction for'' perfect'' simetrizacije.
Children with protruding ears far more difficult to pass the period of puberty. You will recognize them as girls or at what price the hair does not rise to a high ponytail, and the boys keep hair longer and every haircut for them the additional trauma.
Surgery should be done as soon as possible. The earliest five and a half years, and the best time is before they start school. However, never late. Operation is subject to adolescents and adults, and both sexes equally.
-- Edited by admin on Friday 16th of August 2013 02:47:16 PM